As a follow up on my last post about optimizing graphics, I want to address a few ideas concerning the best image format for elearning graphics. When you create graphics for a course, do you save all of the images in the same format? That isn’t uncommon. However, you can use various image formats to … [Continue Reading]
Create Learning Activities that Work
This post is part of the Design Challenge series. If you need a refresher on the project we are discussing, look at Design Challenge #1 – Part 1 of 4: Meet Our First Challenger. In this post, you’ll get a chance to check out a couple activities that we’ve developed for the project, and hone … [Continue Reading]
What Do You Want Learners to DO?
This post is part of the Design Challenge series. If you need a refresher on our challenger or the project we are discussing, look at Design Challenge #1 – Part 1 of 4: Meet Our First Challenger. Now that we have a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound) goal to aim for (“Increase the percentage of instructors … [Continue Reading]
Crafting a Goal
In this part of our design challenge, we are going to look at performance goals for the ChAMPIONs project. If you need a refresher on our challenger or the project we are discussing, look at Design Challenge #1 – Part 1 of 4: Meet Our First Challenger. The Value of a Performance Goal There are … [Continue Reading]